The study of human population change through birth, death, and migration
The makeup of a population in terms of its different social groups (e.g. ratio of men to women or old to young people)
Built (“material”) environments that support large population densities
Deprives Natural Resources people of gemeinschaft— a sense of belonging and community (Tönnies)
Provides realm of possibilities for forging new kinds of social connections
All of the natural processes that humankind depends on
Required for basic human needs (e.g. water, minerals, plants, petroleum)
A large population puts more pressure on natural and built environments
Increase the death rate through war, famine, pestilence, disease, etc.
Limit the number of births through abortion, contraception, delayed marriage, etc.
As the global population grows, the world becomes more urban
Urban centre with a concentrated population exceeding 5 million
Residential community that provides housing and services for people who commute to a nearby urban centre
Efforts to prevent certain kinds of facilities to be established in one’s community
Frames nature as a storehouse of resources that exists only for the use of humans
Within the next 100 years, world population will surpass acity, leading to system collapse (Meadows et al.)
Disproportionately affect poor populations of developing countries
Thomas Malthus (1766–1834) argued that checks and limits on population growth are needed to protect human well-being.
Ernest Burgess (1886–1966) proposed concentric zone theory, which states that cities tend to develop in similar, predictable ways..
Françoise d’Eaubonne (1920–2005) was a French feminist who coined the term ecofeminism and supported greater rights for women and homosexuals.
Manuel Castells (b. 1942) is a leading theorist on urban planning and communication technology, including urban social movements and changing post-industrial urban life.
Ulrich Beck (b. 1944) argues that contemporary societies are dominated by human-made risks, including many produced by supposed advances in technology.